Saturday, 10 July 2010

Anti-Social Behaviour Has A New Champion

Graph of internet users per 100 inhabitants be...Image via WikipediaAt the core of everything is the heart of the Entrepreneur. To demonstrate; if you Invest in the Stock Market the companies supporting that, is an Entrepreneurial Concern.
I have demonstrated and brought to the attention of those with bad intentions; that (with the use and application of some awesome Internet Tools,7 basic writing skills ) if you pursue the line of Anti-Social Behaviour you will be “Named and Shamed”.
“David Ronald Seal” is “The Face Of Anti-Social Behaviour In England.” He chose the wrong people to victimize and is now paying the price.
Even in the light of voluminous notes and Encyclopedic evidence no one did anything to stop “David Ronald Seal”
I had no choice, as a writer and journalist and Internet Marketer, but to inform and distribute my evidence to the wider world.
England is “Number One “ in the World for Anti-Social Behaviour; source :Google Analytic s /Trends.
Doesn’t that fact alone make you feel sick as an Englishman?
It does me !
I have served my country and represented my country and would die for my country,
I am disgusted that my country is number One In The Whole World for something that isn’t even in the vocabulary of some countries.
I have treated Anti-social Behaviour Like A Military Exercise.

A Permanent and Lasting legacy to the next generation.

Someone once asked me, what that meant and I said, “The Lasting legacy is like this ;
Many years ago when you conquered a race of people you destroyed all traces of their existence and that gave you “Power”.
The Internet is here to stay accept it
The Author has come across some profound truths and facts and the number one of these is that in every crisis there always comes along a man from lowly places to dissolve that crisis and becomes an object lesson to the world.
Today I am that man. I want to see the day when Anti-social Behaviour is just a memory, never to rare it’s ugly head again !
I never ever thought that I would write a book on the subject of Anti-social Behaviour.
In 2004 Anti-social Behaviour landed on my head and I have been it’s most ardent adversary ever since. I have written three books on the subject of Anti-social Behaviour.
There are always going to be traces of what you leave behind on the Internet, for better or worse. Think About That!
What are you going to leave behind ?

Video Articles

The Internet has given me the platform from which to launch my attack on Anti-social Behaviour in general and “David Ronald Seal “ in particular. The results have been astounding...far, far greater than even, my expectations.
Naming And Shaming Works !

For an example of what I mean, ENTER the name “David Ronald Seal” into the search engine of your choice, ie,Google, MSN (BING) AOL, Yahoo, take your pick and “David Ronald Seal- POLICE INFORMER” is Number 1 in every instance .
When you’ve done that, consider how long it took to acquire that information.
Then think to yourself,
How Long Did That Take?
The instant answer is, Not Long!
But have you considered, WHY?

Shahbaz Alexis -aka ”The Cat In That Hat”

“GoogleAssasin1” “TheCatAffiliate” “Maverick1883”